Commitment to Improvement
Highlands College is committed to educating, empowering, and equipping students for eternal impact. Our hope is that every student is called, transformed, and sent to lead. To accomplish this mission, our students are immersed in an exceptional education, intentional experiences, and a community of experts dedicated to equipping them for a lifetime of ministry leadership.

Institutional Effectiveness
Highlands College continues to grow. In response, our institution is committed to achieving operational excellence, finding the optimal balance between quality outcomes and low cost, and responsibly stewarding God’s gifts.
Institutional Success
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment and Highlands College stakeholders provide and develop strategic metrics for each objective and goal. We regularly collect feedback and data and assess our progress against our strategic targets and performance benchmarks.

Student Learning Objectives
The graduates of Highlands College will be known for their commitment to:
The Authority of Scripture
The Authority of Scripture, as evidenced by the knowledge, interpretation, and integration of the Scripture, and the possession of a biblical worldview.
For the past 5 years a survey correlating results from graduating students, faculty/staff, and employers shows that all groups agree that students graduate committed to the “Authority of Scripture.”
[Survey Respondents: 521 graduating students, 176 faculty/staff, & 144 employers]
The Pursuit of a Christ-Centered Life
The Pursuit of a Christ-Centered Life, as evidenced by a personal devotional life with God, godly character, a healthy, active lifestyle, and an investment in life-giving relationships.
For the past 6 years, in the national Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) survey HC students consistently rate in the top 5 strengths that HC helps develop their godly character and HC chapels contribute to their spiritual growth.
[SSI administered yearly to students at the end of their freshmen year, with 722 participants over the 6 years.]
The Passion for Lifelong Learning
The Passion of Life-Long Learning, as evidenced by the intentional pursuit of truth, and creative problem solving.
For the past 6 years, the intentional pursuit of truth and creative problem-solving rate as strengths in the assessment outcome achievement scale of these Student Learning Objectives.
The Calling of Ministry Leadership
The Calling of Ministry Leadership, as evidenced by the discovery of and devotion to personal calling, and the development of leadership and vocational skills.
Graduating students report that leadership opportunities in the hands-on, living laboratory of Church of the Highlands helped them develop their leadership and vocational skills, rating this as one of the top 3 experiences each of the past 5 years.
[Survey Respondents: 547 graduating students participated over the 5 years.]
The Advancement of the Kingdom
The Advancement of the Kingdom, as evidenced by service to the local and the global church, stewardship of time and resources, and commitment to finishing well.
For the past 5 years a survey correlating results from graduating students, faculty/staff, and employers shows that all groups agree that students graduate committed to serving the local and global church.
[Survey Respondents: 512 graduating students, 176 faculty/staff, & 144 employers.]
For the past 3 years (2021-2023) HC has administered the Spirit Pulse survey and graduating students demonstrate the following as strengths to celebrate:
- Serving within the local church
- Being moved to action when I see a need
- Noticing opportunities to help others
- Serving within my community
- Sharing my faith
[Survey Respondents: 275 graduating students]
Institutional Success
Graduation Rate
2020 Cohort, 1st time freshmen
*The national average is 62.2%
Retention Rate
Fall 2022 to Fall 2023
*The national average is 76.5%
Recent Graduates Employed in Ministry, Pursuing Further Education, or Serving in Ministry
Survey response of 633 respondents
Overall Satisfaction
Highlands College
ABHE Schools
4-Year Private Schools
81% of our Spring 2023 Freshman are satisfied to very satisfied with their Highlands College experience.
51% Very Satisfied! (ABHE – 33%, 4-year Private – 22% Very Satisfied)
All Survey results are averaged over the past 3 years.
Would You Enroll Again?
Highlands College
ABHE Schools
4-Year Universities
82% of our Spring 2023 Freshman would probably/definitely enroll again.
72% Definitely! (ABHE – 51%, 4-Year – 36% Definitely)
All Survey results are averaged over the past 3 years.
Has Your College Experience Met Your Expectations?
Highlands College
ABHE Schools
4-Year Private Schools
80% of our Spring 2023 Freshman said their experience has been Better to Much better than expected.
39% Much better! (ABHE – 22%, 4-year Private – 14% Much better)
All Survey results are averaged over the past 3 years.
“Our dream is not only that you would come but that you would be sent.”
— Chancellor Chris Hodges

Over 1,300 students trained by Highlands College have been launched into 370 churches and ministries across 36 states, the District of Columbia, 1 US territory, and 21 countries.

The Highlands College Strategic Plan follows the instruction of God in Habakkuk 2 to clarify our vision for all by writing it and making it plain. The College followed a rigorous, inclusive, consultant-led process to develop its Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan is a formalized public commitment. Highlands College’s mission, vision, goals, and themes provide the framework that the Highlands College team, our partners, and supporters are actively working to accomplish.
Strategic Plan Initiatives
- Strengthen the Four Pillars of Ministry Leadership
- Transition to Academy Leadership Development
- Develop Student Services that propel success
- Expand Educational Platforms
- Enhance the implementation-driven operating model
- Build a world-class training ground for world-changing leaders
- Fund the Future
ABHE Accreditation Statement
The Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808) accredits Highlands College to grant certificates and degrees at the Associate and Baccalaureate levels.
Exemption Statement
Highlands College Leadership Institute (formerly the “Evening Program”) is approved as an exempt organization with the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (O.C.G.A. § 20-3-250.3 (a)(6)).