Meet Our Newest Member of Ministry Placement, Steven Pettus!

Meet Steven Pettus. Steven joined the Highlands College Staff in August 2020 as the Executive Director of Ministry Placement at Highlands College.

Steven has worked as a professional engineer (PE) in Birmingham before he and his wife, Jackie, were called to move to Central Asia to serve unreached Tibetan people groups. They lived there for several years along with their two sons, Duke and Finley. While there, they had the opportunity to work on remote development projects, serve local church efforts, and help start a discipleship school.

In 2020, God opened up an opportunity for them to be a part of the Highlands College family and called them back to Birmingham. Jackie now serves at Highlands College as an adjunct professor, and they have one more baby boy on the way! Steven says being a part of Highlands College is the fulfillment of a dream come true for both of them.

Steven has always possessed a strong call to work with college students and international missions, whether that be through structural engineering in closed countries, or by being a part of pastoring students and helping them mobilize into the ministry force.

Get to Know Steven Pettus 

What do you love most about HC?

“Everything! Our students are filling a great need in the ministry workforce. I believe the world could truly be reached in our generation, and HC supplies passionate Jesus followers who are tenaciously humble and hungry to serve the church and reach the lost.”

Why are you passionate about Alumni?

“Alumni are FAMILY. When they hurt, we hurt. When they experience success, it excites us! Plus, they are evidence of the purpose of the college. If they aren’t flourishing yet, we feel like we haven’t served them well.”

What is something most people don’t know about you?

“I like to grow (most unsuccessfully, but I keep trying) the world’s hottest peppers!”

How can our alumni reach you?

“You can email me at Let me know how we can serve you!”