Alumni Feature | Logan Teague

Our graduates are called, transformed, and sent to lead a life of eternal impact, and we love celebrating the life change they get to be a part of through the local church!


Logan Teague

2023 Highlands College Graduate

Logan Teague is a 2023 graduate planted at The Bridge Church in Iowa. In his last semester at Highlands College, he was interviewing with The Bridge Church for a coffee manager position and originally joined their team as a ministry intern. Logan is now the Worship Leader at their Oskaloosa campus, thriving in serving the local church.

Keep reading to learn more about Logan, how his time in Highlands College prepared him for where he is today, advice for those who feel called to ministry, and the incredible stories of how God is moving in his city.

What do you love about your role?

I love that my role is leading a team in development and connection, and I can disciple people to meet Jesus where they are. I love that I get to see an atmosphere be changed by welcoming the Holy Spirit and watching people’s lives change by encountering God in the midst of where they walk in from.

What do you love about Iowa?

Iowa is just people. If, in HC, you were to ask me what I wanted to do in ministry or life, I would always have the answer of being with people. I love people, from their stories and lives to their routines. I love seeing God’s image displayed through His people in many ways and facets. Iowa is simple. There isn’t much, but plenty of people need God and each other when they do not have anyone else. Iowa has taught me to slow down, be present, and love God’s creation around us without the distractions on the earth. Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days, I believe, to not be distracted by the things of this earth, and yes, Iowa is of this earth, but I believe I understand that God’s presence is anywhere we go, even in the dullest of places. I also love Iowa for the small-town feel you get when getting to know people.

How did you get connected with The Bridge Church?

I interviewed with The Bridge Church at ARC Conference for a coffee manager position, then came in as a ministry intern, half pastoral, half worship.

What are your favorite memories as you reflect on your time at HC?

My favorite memories stem a lot from my times with people. I loved my HC small group on Mondays with Papa John and Mama Sheri. My life was changed by doing life with the same people throughout the times of good and bad, teaching me what community looks like.

Expedition taught me resilience in my mind that I did not realize I had, and it’s such a blessing to have run with the two teams I did. I was impacted by the multiple coffee connections with Church of the Highlands staff and Dream Teamers who were in my life to support this walk God is bringing me on.

Logan leading worship at The Bridge Church

Logan with his Highlands College volleyball team

What is your favorite hobby or way to spend an off day?

My favorite hobbies are reading, studying, listening to podcasts, and taking my dog (Daisy) on walks. I am a lifelong learner and always want to increase my knowledge of the Word or life routines to find more of God in everything I do. My happy places are waking up to a cup of coffee, a nice day to sit on the porch, and reading a book.

What would you say if you could encourage a recent graduate just starting their ministry journey?

I would say expect God to stretch and grow you. I would say that you think you might have things figured out, and then the enemy is at your front door every day, and you have to remember that the Lord has planted you by a stream of living waters, people who care for you, and always know you have HC family to back you up. Do not give up in the opposition, but see it as an advantage that God is bringing you to something greater, and the enemy fears His plans.

What advice would you give current or aspiring students looking to make an impact?

I learned in my time at Highlands that, yes, ministry is what I love and want to do, but above all, I learned the image of the body of Christ. As you study through Highlands College, I would say you should not just strive for higher education but for connection to people around you. These people are walking with you daily, and it is so fun to have friends all over the world that I got to know personally and can call and be inspired. I love the mentors and friends from Highlands College who encourage me in the hard times of ministry and celebrate the good. So, be vulnerable to let people see you and watch God grow you into the creation He always intended you to be.

Logan’s Seal Ceremony

Logan at a Highlands College Chapel

Are there any stories or testimonies that you want to share?

I want to share that you do not need to give up on God’s call. Since youth group, I have felt called into worship ministry, and I did not get into the worship major at the time when I entered Highlands College and became so confused. However, I knew faithfulness and obedience to God’s will is more important than discouragement in timing. Therefore, I should not be leading worship in a church in Iowa because it does not make sense, but God trained me, prepared me, and taught me that He is constantly advancing His kingdom on His time, so trust Him in the waiting and be willing to listen more than dreaming.

After being on The Bridge Church team for a year, Logan attended the GrowLeader Conference hosted at Highlands College and interviewed HC students for open positions at his church.

Isaiah McMillian’s Seal Ceremony

“I loved interviewing Isaiah McMillian! It was so fun to have the full circle moment, and God is letting me take what I have learned and pass that torch to the next person. I love that HC is a place I call home and seeing the connections God brings together through it.” – Logan Teague 

Isaiah is now on the team, alongside Logan, at The Bridge Church as a Worship Leader.  

We look forward to seeing how Logan continues to make an eternal impact beyond Highlands College.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know one of our amazing Highlands College alums. Learn more about Highlands College and how you can connect to our incredible network of graduates around the world.