Alumni Meetup in Houston

The Houston Alumni Meetup was a truly unforgettable evening. With over 30 Highlands College alumni in attendance, it was our largest gathering yet. Alumni from every class, spanning from 2016 to this past May, came together to connect, share stories, and celebrate how God is moving in their lives post-graduation.

As Class of 2019 graduate, Meredith Herrin shared, “I was able to connect with other HC alumni from my class as well as meet alum who graduated before and after myself. We shared Expedition stories and related over post-grad struggles — some had joined church plants, some worked in the marketplace, and others were serving at the church they grew up in. My husband, who didn’t attend Highlands College, walked away encouraged that the college I attended values investing in their alumni. Who knew we had so many HC friends in our own city!”

For our Alumni Director, Hamid Al-Dlaigan, Class of 2016, the highlight of the evening was seeing how every era of Highlands College was represented: “From the ‘Greystone era’ grads to our newest alumni, it was amazing to witness how strong the Highlands College community is in Texas, especially in Houston.”

This event was about more than just reminiscing; it was a chance to reconnect, build new relationships, and celebrate the continued impact our alumni are making in their communities.

It’s an honor to partner with and support all our alums across the globe. Visit to get connected with our team and fellow alum in your area.

Until The End!