Our graduates are called, transformed, and sent to lead a life of eternal impact, and we love celebrating the life change they get to be a part of through the local church!
Kevin Eades
2014 Highlands College Graduate

(Pictured on the far left) Kevin Eades, a 2014 graduate of Highlands College, serves as the Next Steps Pastor at LIIV Atlanta. In 2022, Kevin and his family moved to Atlanta to help plant LIIV Atlanta, an ARC church plant led by Highlands College alumni Mayo and Kai Sowell.
Keep reading to learn more about Kevin, how his time in Highlands College prepared him for where he is today, advice for those who feel called to ministry, and the incredible stories of how God is moving in Atlanta.
What do you love about your role?
Every day at LIIV ATL is an adventure that keeps you moving. As a two-year-old church, we’re constantly learning, innovating, and hustling. It’s a dynamic mix of people and processes that can shift at any moment. Full-on operations one second, then full-on people the next. Even writing this in a coffee shop, I have been “interrupted” multiple times. If I was in a private office that wouldn’t have happened, but I may not have made a genuine connection like I did by being in this coffee shop. Spiritually, I am inspired by the diversity of the congregation at LIIV ATL. Recently, I had the opportunity to lead a man to Jesus who had been a practicing Muslim his whole life. Discipling him, diving into the Bible together, and connecting the realities of life to Jesus’ love has been incredibly fulfilling. It’s awesome to see church and Jesus through his eyes!
What do you love about Atlanta?
Atlanta is the ultimate city of possibilities and potential. It’s a city that is growing yet has history. A city that is full of diversity in every sense of the word while being cultured over time. You never know who or what you will experience in a day.
How did you get connected to Pastor Mayo and LIIV Atlanta?
I met Pastor Mayo in my first semester at Highlands College. We crossed paths at Octane Coffee (we still miss you Octane!) in Homewood, and it felt like a God connection—I’d been praying for a mentor, and he was looking for new relationships in a new season for himself. That day we hit it off, he even helped me write a paper on Jonah for an Old Testament Survey class with Dr. Larson. From there, we kept doing life over 8 years at Church of the Highlands. The day he told me he was planting a church changed everything.
What was the moment like when you knew you wanted to help plant LIIV Atlanta?
For two years, God was stirring something in both my wife and me. I was on staff at Church of the Highlands, and on paper, everything seemed perfect, yet we felt it was time to step into something new, which made no sense. When Pastor Mayo mentioned Atlanta and a church plant, my spirit leaped. It felt as if a light had turned on in my spirit. I knew the path forward. Though it was a major decision, my wife and I were so certain it was God’s call that we made the decision in a 5-minute conversation. It was one of those rare moments of undeniable clarity because God had been preparing and speaking to us. The preparation was difficult, but God knew what he was doing.

Kevin preaching at LIIV Atlanta.

Kevin with a friend at LIIV Atlanta.
What are some unexpected challenges you faced being part of a church plant?
Starting a church in a new city brings unique challenges. Every city has its own rhythm and culture, and Atlanta is no different. I’ve had to adjust my approach to ministry, learning how to connect with people here in a fresh way. I often think of Jesus leaving Nazareth—the message remained the same, but the methods and strategy had to evolve. The disciples reached that city and brought the gospel. The spirit of Atlanta is open to the Kingdom; with many people here, it needs many communication styles, creative pathways, and eclectic people sharing the good news. Learning and innovating in a ministry context like that has challenges.
As you reflect on your time at Highlands College, what are some of your favorite memories?
It’s hard to pick just a few. I remember the laughs, the pranks, and the friendly fights and competitions on the sports field. Then, there were the moments of real spiritual growth—tough conversations that built character, real-life corrections that taught me how to connect with team members and those I lead, and chapel services that deepened my faith. Those moments and the spiritual strength I gained still carry me today.
Favorite hobby or way to spend a day off?
With three young kids, family time is a priority. My wife Lauren and I love spending our Fridays with them—going for brunch, hitting LifeTime Fitness, and finding a new playground to explore. We’re always looking for ways to create memories and discover new spots around the city.
What are you most excited about for the future?
Put your sunglasses on; the future is very bright! I feel so hopeful for the Church, LIIV ATL, where I serve, the spiritual hunger of our country, and for my own life and family. There’s a renewed grace for those called to ministry, and I’m excited to be a part of the great things God is doing. I’m committed to being a pastor who brings out the best in people and places. I think as more people commit to that, we will see a greater impact than ever before.

Kevin baptizing at LIIV Atlanta.

Kevin at Easter service at LIIV Atlanta.

Kevin at the movies with LIIV Atlanta.
Looking Ahead
Kevin’s journey shows how God continues to work through Highlands College alumni, equipping them to make an eternal impact. We look forward to seeing how Kevin continues to grow, plant seeds in the harvest field, and build the local church.
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